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The dataparksearch[at] mailing list dismounted.
If you wish to continue get info about DataparkSearch Engine, you may subscribe to dataparksearch group at Yahoo Groups.
DataparkSearch Engine has been added to T2 System Development Environment, a project of a flexible Open Source System Development Environment.
A new Russian search engine has been born., a leading internet portal in Russia, at last has started it own search engine, on the separate domain: Some years ago, entered search engine market with Google's technologies, then it switched to technologies from Yandex, a leading search company in Russia. And now, has got own search index. - yes, for me, this name is very strong looks like
Besides traditional text search on the Internet, the search also is offered in questions and answers, photos and video. By two best search results in each of these additional areas are shows at the right column of search results page of traditional text search.
The design is made in orange color. The copyright and reference to are presents in the bottom of search results page. Results are very much pleasant, my site on the first place for favourite query 🙂
It seems the concurrency is tightening on search market in Russia. Certainly, Google is taking a failure in Russia with very slow growing and taking 3rd place in popularity among Russian search engine users (after Yandex and Rambler), and now it got a new competitor here.
DataparkSearch's Reference Manual is now available in PDF.
DataparkSearch's Reference Manual is now available in PDF.
Just descovered, the following code working incorrectly under perl 5.8.0, but works fine under perl 5.8.5:
sub StrToNum {
my ($Str, $Check, $Magic) = @_;
my $len = length($Str);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$Check *= $Magic;
$Check &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
$Check += ord(substr($Str, $i, 1));
return $Check;
Working solution for perl 5.8.0:
sub StrToNum {
my ($Str, $pCheck, $pMagic) = @_;
my $len = length($Str);
$Check = Math::BigInt->new($pCheck);
$Magic = Math::BigInt->new($pMagic);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$Check *= $Magic;
$Check &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
$Check += ord(substr($Str, $i, 1));
return $Check;
Yesterday I have discovered, that on some pages AdSense advertising does not show under IE 6.0, also on these pages IE informed on an error:
Строка: 2 РЎРёРјРІРѕР»: 1 РћС?РёР±РєР°: Недопустимый знак РљРѕРґ: 0
Yes, the error message in Russian, and may be translated as "Illegal symbol" at line 2 character 1. All these pages have had <head> at this place long time ago, and IE have had no problem with these pages. Perhaps, recent automatic updates from Microsoft may cause this strange behaviour.
Today I found out what IE doesn't like. All those pages have had the following DOCTYPE:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
For example, this DOCTYPE is inserting automatically when xemacs creates a new html page.
After I have changed DOCTYPE to one recomended by W3C:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
IE is happy now with these pages, the error message has gone away and AdSense advertising shows again.
According to company's blog, The Yandex, most popular search engine in Russia, has been released the Yandex.Server Free Edition. This release is almost powerful as commercial version, only few options are unavailable. The only requirement to use this engine is to provide a perfect visible link from your search result pages to the Yandex.Server site.
You may download the Yandex.Server Free Edition from this pageYandex blog
A new version of DataparkSearch, 4.46, has been released. Changes since previous release are: