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An once more new feature has been added to latest snapshot of DataparkSearch Engine: it can now to gather geopositions specified in indexing pages using special meta tags. To enable this feature, you need to specify two new sections in your sections.conf file:

Section 0 32
Section geo.lon 0 32

Then you'll be able to use $( and $(geo.lon) meta-variables (as latitude and longitude respectively) in your search template for map construction using, for example, Google Maps.

Curently only two methods of geoposition specification are supported:

1. GeoTags:
< meta name="geo.position" content="43.5828;39.7311">

As usual, you may specify "meta.geo.region" and "meta.geo.placename" sections in same way to gather regions and placenames and use their values in your search template.

2. GeoURL's ICBM address:
< meta content="XXX.XXXXX, XXX.XXXXX" name="ICBM">

N.B.: If you know other methods to specify geopositions at HTML/XHTML/XML pages, please point me an URL, where I can read about.


The Exalead, a french search engine (The Quaero will based on it, as rumors says), has got a new beta version of it's interface (use password "beta" to enter).

New interface has been simplified in comparison to previous version. But some nice features were removed also, for exaple, operators “soundlike:” and “spellslike:” does not work anymore.

Search base have a bit more 4 bln. pages.

//RГ©fГ©rencement, Design et Cie

The Exalead, a french search engine (The Quaero will based on it, as rumors says), has got a new beta version of it's interface (use password "beta" to enter).

New interface has been simplified in comparison to previous version. But some nice features were removed also, for exaple, operators “soundlike:” and “spellslike:” does not work anymore.

Search base have a bit more 4 bln. pages.

//RГ©fГ©rencement, Design et Cie