

PL/sh - is a nice extension to PostgreSQL allowing to write stored procedures in an interpreted language, e.g. bash, python, perl, php, etc.

I found it useful though having a major drawback that the amount of data you can pass via arguments of such procedures may hit command line limitations, i.e. no more 254 spaces and no more 2MB (or even less).

So I have made a change that the value of the first argument is passed via stdin to the script implementing the stored procedure, the rest of arguments is passed as $1, $2, $3, etc. This change is allow to overcome above mentioned limitations in case when big amount of data is passed via one parameter.

Here is a tiny example I have added to the test suite with new functionality:

CREATE FUNCTION perl_concat2(text, text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plsh2 AS '
print while (<STDIN>);
print $ARGV[0];
SELECT perl_concat2('pe', 'rl');

You may get modified PL/sh in my repository on GitHub: It has been implemented as a new procedural language plsh2, so you do not need to change anything in already created procedures/functions using plsh (and you can continue use it as before).