
Google Code Jam. Cookie Clicker Alpha

The Cookie Clicker Alpha is the Problem B of the Google Code Jam 2014 Qualification Round.

Here is my solution for it in C language:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define EPS 0.0000001

main() {
    int T, i, c, p, m;
    double C, F, X, Y;
    struct Item {
	double y;
	double a;
	double cookies;
    } *H;

    H = (struct Item *) malloc(10000000 * sizeof(struct Item));

    scanf("%d\n", &T);
    for (i = 0; i < T; i++) {
	printf("Case #%d: ", i + 1);
	c = p = m = 0;
	scanf("%lf %lf %lf\n", &C, &F, &X);
	Y = 10000000.0;
	H[p].y = 0.0;
	H[p].a = 2.0;
	H[p].cookies = 0.0;

	while (c <= p) {
	    if (fabs(H[c].cookies - X) < EPS) {
		if (H[c].y < Y) Y = H[c].y;
	    } else if (H[c].y < Y) {
		H[p + 1].y = H[c].y + C/H[c].a;
		H[p + 1].a = H[c].a + F;
		H[p + 1].cookies = 0.0;

		H[p + 2].y = H[c].y + X/H[c].a;
		H[p + 2].a = H[c].a;
		H[p + 2].cookies = X;
		p = p + 2;
	printf("%.7lf\n", Y);